Friday, July 31, 2009

YEAH!! Brian finished the summer semester and we the family survived the ordeal. It was a rough 8 weeks and 15 credits. It started off bad as one class started a week earlier than we thought, and we were at Randy's graduation in Bridgeport the first couple of days of the actual semester. On top of that, one of the online classes was Algebra (which Brian hates now). We are just hoping for a C passing grade in that class. It was worth the heavy course load though as Brian will be done with his AA at then end of the Fall Semester 2009. In California that allows him to substitute teach. We found out today that Brian qualifies for a small pell grant in 2010. It's not a lot, but every little bit helps. We are hoping to get through school without incurring any debt. Keep your fingers crossed.

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