Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A little "R" Motivation

Today I walked approximately 1.1 miles for the 3rd day in a row.  But . . . I almost didn't.

The plan is to hitch a ride from Brian over to a friend's house.  Ironically, we have matching house numbers; 710.  Ours on the east, theirs on the west.  According to Google, we are 1.1 walking miles apart.

Our friend's have four children, the youngest is six years old.  R is a glorious child, vivacious and smart.  She is my motivation.  The second part of the plan is the clipboard I placed in their yard.  Each day that I walk, I place a sticker on a calendar.  When I make it seven days in a row, R gets a reward.

Today, Brian left early.  I didn't realize this was happening until I hear the dog food hitting the bowl. He was on his way to the car when I stopped him.  He waited.  I got dressed.  I walked.  I couldn't let R down.  Someday I hope it will transition into I can't let myself down.

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