Monday, September 16, 2019

And it's Monday . . . again . . . and a year has gone by!

And  what a year it was! 

A brief run down includes an awesome vacation to London and Portugal,  I adopted a kitten, my mom's heart started acting up and she received a pacemaker, Brian and I became foster parents,  Eli went to Job Corps in Moses Lake, Easter at Grandma Jo's, my mom passed away, Eli graduated from Job Corp, Brian interviewed and accepted a job transfer with Google to Dallas Texas, the AFS students all went home, I was an AFS flight chaperone to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia , Eli accepted a 6 month contract to work at a Google data center in Clarksville Tennessee, Brian moved us to Texas, I moved Eli to Tennessee, Brian and I settled into our apartment and sold our house in The Dalles.


In the midst of all the traveling, I lost 10 pounds.  I was conscious of my eating, but I think it was mostly all the walking and running around.

As I notice the pounds start to creep back on, I begin again to exercise.  I CAN do this!

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